Service Design 2020

Beck Storer

Monday 9.00 - 11.30, Wednesday 9.00 - 11.30
*See myTimetable for Room & Time

Studio Inquiry

You will grasp a new set of lens to view the design world differently through. The focus moves from craft to design thinking and how this thinking can be applied in design led solutions to change mindsets, services, communities and culture.
The studio will share with you the fundamentals of service design, design thinking and co-design based research, creating opportunities for you to experience how designers can now play an integral role at the beginning of a project as researcher, strategist and innovator.
Communication of knowledge
Throughout the semester you will be presenting your work to industry stakeholders and participating in co-design workshops. You will also have the opportunity to present your final submission to industry peers and the public, being a guest presenter at the ServDes2020 Conference.
We have a real client - the ServDes2020 Conference which will be held in Melbourne next year. You will create the over arching service design ecology for the entire conference, including the user journey in areas such as accessing services, gathering information and the experience of digital communication assets.
Brief 01: Service Design Visual Map - Illustration.
Brief 02: Service Design Proposal - Presentation.
Brief 03: Studio Knowledge Object - A1 Poster
This is Service Design Doing - Marc Stinkdorn
SERVICE DESIGN - From Insight to Implementation. Andy Polaine
Studio Partner
ServDes2020 Conference
Communities of Practice
Designing Experiences, Designing Identity, Designing through Image, Designing Publications, Designing Disobedience

About Beck Storer

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