Design For Regional Communities

Adrian Zanardo

Wednesday 9.00 - 11.30
*See myTimetable for Room & Time

Studio Inquiry

In recent years, through reasons ranging from drought, loss of industry and the allure of the capital cities, communities in regional areas have turned to tourism as ways to keep their towns alive and prospering. Despite being a relatively young country, there is a real vibrance to many regional towns, and a wealth of inspiration to be uncovered through a regions unique history and its vernacular design. In this studio, students will be investigating a chosen region of Victoria, investigating its history social and cultural history, the presence design has within the region, and exploring a future tourism opportunity through a campaign branding exercise.
Students will need to investigate their chosen region not just to gain historical insights to their choice, but to seek to understand the challenges their region may face before they start designing.
Communication of knowledge
The focus of the studio is to create contemporary campaign branding that fits well within the context of their chosen regional community. Designing for regional communities is a technique that students will need to explore and seek to understand.
Students will produce a branded campaign for their chosen area. It could involve the strategic rebranding of their town or region, or simply involve the development and creation of a seasonal campaign or event. Whichever direction they choose to take, two things should be at the forefront of their work: the history and current cultural landscape of their community, and the contextual relevance their campaign has. Throughout this studio, class discussions, presentations and group critiques will take place, as well as one to one consultation throughout each brief.
Brief 1: A5 research zine showcasing students chosen region.
Brief 2: Proposal document and concept development
Brief 3: Developed proposal with applications.
Brief 4: SKO
Communities of Practice
Designing Experiences, Designing Identity, Designing through Image, Designing Publications, Designing Disobedience

About Adrian Zanardo

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