First Things Next

Nicola St John

Monday - 9.30 - 12.30, Wednesday - 4.00 - 7.00
*See myTimetable for Room & Time

Studio Inquiry

In this studio we will explore the ethics of graphic design. Working on real world briefs with Oxfam Australia we will consider how to practice ethical design and be a socially responsible designer in a professional context. We will investigate what ethics in design means practically, professionally, and morally. This studio functions to inspire and equip us to continually study, practice, and develop ethical design work. We will work on a design brief with Oxfam Australia and work within Oxfam's ethical and brand guidelines.
Within this studio you will reflect upon your personal and collective values to evaluate the cultural and social impact of your work. Through a series of in class activities and workshops at Oxfam's head office we will explore our profession's responsibilities to audience members or users, specifically those who will experience the work we create on a daily basis. You will learn ?to ?identify? and ?recognize ?ethical? issues?? and be able to articulate,? communicate, ?and? present ?well?informed ?debates? about ?these ?issues?.
Communication of knowledge
The primary focus of the studio is to develop a series of ethically informed design outcomes for Oxfam Australia. Through these briefs we will explore a series of values and principles to develop an ethical framework for your design practice.
Over the course of the semester you will be required to produce a series of design outcomes for Oxfam Australia in relation to climate change and climate justice. We will attend a series of presentations at Oxfam's head office in Carlton. You will be required to produce a series of collateral for its core audience. You will respond to a real brief and pitch your concepts at Oxfam's head office.
There will be three assessment tasks, which interrelate to the themes and design outcomes of this unit. 1. Personal design manifesto 2. Presentation of design outcomes to Oxfam Australia 3. SKO: Response to design brief (portfolio of developed proposal with applications) The form this may take will be discussed in studio
Ken Garland's First Things First manifesto (Soar, 2002) Meredith Davis' AIGA Design Futures Trend #4: Core Values Matter (Davis, 2018).
Studio Partner
Oxfam Australia
Communities of Practice
Designing for Social Change, Designing Identity, Designing Disobedience

About Nicola St John

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