STRATEGY TUES 9:30AM-12:30PM, TUES 1:30-4:30PM *See myTimetable for Room & Time
Studio Inquiry
Kissing is always done with someone else. Design is always done for someone else.
If it isn't for someone else, it isn't Design. (Probably it is Fine Art.)
This studio is called Let's Kiss, it is based on an old hard arsed designer saying
'Keep It Simple Stupid', but we say
Let's Keep It Simple (logical easy to understand, for a broad audience) Sweethearts.
Strategic (relating to the needs of an audience and client)
Special (different, new, not expected, risky, unusual and singular)
Spectacular ( attention grabbing, dramatic, eyecatching )
Stonking ( really good )
Speculative ( propositional, risky, unpredictable )
Sophisticated ( experienced, knowledgeable, for an educated audience )
Snappy (clever, concise, neat)
Smart (quick witted)
Stimulating (arouse interest and enthusiasm )
Skilful ( accomplished, masterful)
Sincere ( genuine, real, authentic)
Significant ( remarkable, outstanding)
Sharp (edgy, honed to a point)
Sexy ( seductive, desirable, inviting)
Sensational (amazing, startling, stunning )
So Sweethearts, join us on this threesome of designer, client and audience where you will be encouraged to work on your K.I.S.S. techniques, you are guaranteed to have a Stonking, Sensational and Stimulating time.
As a great designer Alan fletcher pointed out that most writings on visual matters are authored by those who analyse rather than experience.
They are concerned with the mechanics rather than the thought, the match rather than the fire.'
However there are some books, video clips and TED talks where the fires tell you their thoughts.
Some of the things we recommend are:
The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher
A Smile in the Mind by Beryl McAlhone
How to by Michael Beirut
Graphic Design: Visual Comparisons by Gill, Forbes and Fletcher
Communication of knowledge
Have fun engaging audiences in a threesome
- of client, designer and audience.
In this studio you will be expected to:
Destruct / Construct
Make mistakes and own them
Use your intuition
Take risks
Be brave
Make astonishingly creative design solutions.
> This studio has 3 interwoven assessment tasks that inform one another,
Brief 1. 30% Studio Knowledge Object (S.K.O.)
> revealing your knowledge + process
Brief 2. 30% K.I.S.S. and Tell
Brief 3. 40% K.K.O. (Kissable Knowledge Object)
> Finding the Question
> Solving the Reply (Design & Artefact)
The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher
More readings and references and inspiration will be shared weekly in class.
Communities of Practice
Designing Experiences, Designing for Social Change, Designing Identity, Designing through Image, Designing Publications, Designing Disobedience