Design for Regional Communities

Adrian Zanardo

7A, 7B
*See myTimetable for Room & Time

Studio Inquiry

Welcome to Communication Design for Regional Communities. Over the semester we will explore the role design plays within regional and rural towns and areas, and the opportunities present in combining communication design and tourism and community based strategy as the way and places we live and visit changes.


This studio will engage with research through the presentation of case studies and an enquiry into students own travel experiences. Throughout the semester the assessment tasks will unpack design theories, explore current design and tourism trends, and apply design and strategic thinking to a chosen outcome. All the while a range of short studio exercises will keep students thinking outside the box, while helping extend their creative and strategic thinking.

Communication of knowledge

The focus of the studio is to create contemporary campaign branding that fits well within the context of their chosen regional community. Designing for regional communities is a technique that students will need to explore and seek to understand.


The focus of the studio is to create contemprary campaign branding that fits within the context of a students chosen regional community. Designing for tourism, for experience, and specifically for regional communities is a technique that students will explore, and seek to understand.


In this studio, students will be investigating a chosen region of Victoria, investigating its history social and cultural history, the presence design has within the region, and exploring a future tourism opportunity through a campaign branding exercise. In introductory assessment tasks and throughout the studio exercise, there will also be the opportunity to create a wider range of design artefacts at a smaller, more experimental scale.


Brief No.1: A5 Research Zine


Brief No.2: Proposal Document & Concept Development


Brief No.3: Design Project


Brief No.4: Studio Knowledge Object (SKO)


As a way to introduce the shifts that domestic (& regional) tourism is currently experiencing, and the opportunities that it holds > Link

Communities of Practice
Designing Experiences, Designing Identity, Designing Publications

About Adrian Zanardo

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