I, Robot

Fiona Andreallo

3B Tuesday, 3B Tuesday
*See myTimetable for Room & Time

Studio Inquiry

Design culturally aware social robot prototypes and illustrated maps of algorithms.  This studio is designed to introduce students to how communication design plays a part in social robots and intelligent system design. Students will gain valuable experience working with others in interdisciplinary fields as is common in contemporary designer industry positions. In conclusion of this studio, it is envisaged that you will have completed two pieces of work that will differentiate your portfolio from so many others in the competitive job market. As well as this you will be part of a journey of exploring the cultural significance of intelligent systems. *Prior knowledge of social robots or intelligent systems is not required.


This studio engages with current research on robot-human interactions and questions cultural assumptions presented in current intelligent systems.

Extending on the idea that algorithms and robots are neither intelligent nor artificial this studio includes a series of workshops to explore what these systems could look like.

Communication of knowledge

This studio includes a series of workshops that engage with freehand drawing to respond to current ideas of social robots. This form of research and idea gathering is then used as a basis for two finished communicative designs of an algorithm and a robot prototype. Students are free to use any medium that best responds to projects.


Activities include freehand drawing, modelling and open creative responses as research through workshops. It is envisaged that interdisciplinary industry visitors will visit speak and review students' work. The responses of an algorithmic map and robot prototype are open for exploration with engagement with the studio lead and visiting industry members.


1. Research activity -due week 4 (includes workshop activities of SR representation) 

2. Map concept -due week 8 

3. SKO -due week 13


These readings (&videos) inform the space of this studio, however, pre-reading is not necessary nor compulsory (linked in the titles below)

Algorithms are neither intelligent nor Artificial

Anatomy of an AI System

Robotic Faciality: The Philosophy, Science and Art of Robot Faces

Expressions of the face and what we are feeling

AI Atlas AI Now (anatomyof.ai)

Spot® - The Agile Mobile Robot | Boston Dynamics

Meet Pepper: A Robot that can Express Human Emotions - YouTube

Robot baby seal 'Paro' helps elderly dementia patients in Hong Kong - Daily Mail - YouTube




Studio Partner

This project is linked to health transformation Labs at RMIT, as well as many other institutes and centres

Communities of Practice
Designing Experiences, Designing for Social Change, Design and the Post-Digital, Designing Identity, Designing through Image, Designing Publications, Designing Disobedience

About Fiona Andreallo

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