The studio will operate based on a primary inquiry and a secondary inquiry. The primary studio inquiry is how to define, explore and develop successful logo identity design, partnered with the awareness, analysis and understanding of need for identity and identity design. The secondary studio inquiry is how to perpetuate new thinking and new language in identity design.
The studio will develop, then use investigative research and research reflection analysis as the basis for strategic planning and creative thinking. Summary research reports will evidence knowledge, in combination with creative development review and reflection.
2 x functional design prototypes for specific industry, and/or community context and audience demographics.
At the core of this studio, pure graphic design and designing (including graphic-based design) of logo identities will be the focus. The studio will establish itself and run as a semi-professional operating studio, where the further development of each individual designer as practitioner is the over-arching focus.
This studio will include both group and peer critique/feedback, methodologies workshops and investigation study discussions.
Project 1: SKO.
Project 2.1: Defining visual identity and defining the Logo. Exploring the Language and Techniques.
Project 2.2: Refining and Further Developing the Speciality Knowledge and Speciality Skills and Methodologies.
Project 3: Developing Designs for Context, Media orientation and application. > The flexible future of branding and the death of the logo as we know it - Rory Macrae