With emphasis on creativity and styling, the core studio inquiry is how the quest for high impact and memorable image language in design can itself be the catalyst for new thinking and new language in (image) design. New vision for design, image design, or design of imagery.
To research the ‘iconic’. To analyse the ‘iconic’. To create the ‘new iconic’. The studio will develop, then use investigative research and research reflection analysis as the basis for creative exploration and creative thinking. Summary research reports will evidence knowledge, in combination with creative development review and reflection.
3 x design prototypes with potential for specific industry, and/or community context and audience demographics.
This studio is a real opportunity for studio team members to truly establish a signature creative direction and visual style language. Pure graphic design (including graphic-based design and typographic design) and pure image design under an art direction vision. Run as a semi-professional operating studio, focus is on the further development of each individual designer as practitioner. Group and peer critique/feedback, methodologies workshops and investigation study discussions will be included.
Project 1: SKO.
Project 2.1: Understanding iconic visual language in graphic design, image design and art direction design.
Project 2.2: Exploring vision and concept, and creative design techniques.
Project 3: Exploring extremes in vision and concept, and creative design techniques.