Perception (2020) A.I. generated book, by Donnachie and Simionato. Winner of the 2020 Cornish Family Prize for Art and Design Publishing, and the 2020 Tokyo Type Directors Club Award.
jodi.org by JODI
Generative Typography Samples by Ze Wang
GML-Experiments by Golan Levin with Jerome Saint-Clair http://www.flong.com/projects/gml-experiments/
In this studio you will 're-read' critical texts on language through the creative use of computer code and scripting. You will expand your existing design practice by combining computer scripting (code) with typography (words) in order to explore how reading is transforming in the digital age.
Karen ann Donnachie and Andy Simionato will lead you through a series of theoretical and practical workshops with the objective of generating your own computer coded typographic designs based on your interpretation of existing critical texts on art and design.
Communication of knowledge
At the conclusion of the studio your works will be published as an interactive digital archive in collaboration with the City of Melbourne Libraries.
Practical skills you will learn and practice in this studio:
Parametric and Generative Typography
Interactive and reactive web-design with Javascript, CSS, HTML, WebGL, OpenGL, and OpenFrameworks
During the semester you will participate in a series of short, lively seminars on theories of language, reading and the future of the book. You will then combine this practical and theoretical knowledge to interpret a selected text through computer code and scripting.
Additional skills you can add to your toolkit:
Design your own custom typeface (using Inkscape, Fontforge)
Coding for typography (using Processing, OpenGL)
The assessment tasks in this studio are designed to help you produce a number of original computer coded communication design works including:
1. A final project combining typography and code which you will present as a gitHub website
2. An SKO which captures all the theory and skills from the studio that were significant to you, including a reflective piece of critical writing on your personal research into generative, parametric, and computer-driven communication design.
Google: Words Beyond Grammar, (2012) by Boris Groys
Of Grammatology (French: De la grammatologie) (1967) by Jacques Derrida
"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (1935) by Walter Benjamin
Full list of readings TBC
Studio Partner
City of Melbourne Libraries.
Communities of Practice
Design and the Post-Digital, Designing Publications
Please download and install Processing (see link) before the first class.
We will be learning to code in this studio. If you don't want to learn about coding for typography (Javascript, Python, CSS), then please choose a different studio.
We will also be dedicating time to the critical reading of key texts. If you don't enjoy reading and discussing critical theory and design philosophy, again, please consider a different studio.